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Saison 2023

Revue de Cuisine

6 January – 1 December 2023 / Kunsthalle

Dear music gour­mets! The com­bin­a­tion of music and culin­ary de­lights has been a tra­di­tion at the Kun­sthalle Ap­pen­zell since the be­gin­ning of the series of con­certs 20 years ago. In the new sea­son, en­titled “Revue de Cuisine and Other Czech Del­ic­acies”, we in­vite you to enjoy an Apéro Riche on three oc­ca­sions. Czech music from the Baroque to the 20th cen­tury forms the com­mon thread, and the lively joy of play­ing this music from Bo­hemia and Moravia also col­ours other con­certs: Like the per­form­ance of Mar­tinů's ab­surdly iron­ic jazzy bal­let music Revue de Cuisine with actor Gra­ham F. Valentine, or when the Slov­aki­an Janoska En­semble cel­eb­rates in­spir­ing im­pro­visa­tion­al joy with its pro­gramme “The Big B’s”, as does Kat­ica Illényi in the New Year's Con­cert.

Janoska Ensemble / Foto ©Andreas-BItesnich

Janoska Ensemble / Foto ©Andreas-BItesnich


Single Tickets

Single con­cert tick­ets: CHF 35.00 / re­duced CHF 15.00. Order here or 071 788 18 60.

Annual Membership

We are de­lighted to wel­come you to our circle of de­voted sub­scribers. If you are un­able to at­tend a con­cert, you may pass on your trans­fer­able an­nu­al tick­et to a friend or neigh­bour.
12 con­certs incl. an­nu­al pass to all ex­hib­i­tions of both mu­seums: CHF 350.00. Order here or 071 788 18 60.

Séries Jeunes

The Série jeunes are mat­in­ees with young mu­si­cians on three Sundays.
3 mat­in­ees incl. ex­hib­i­tion visit: CHF 60.00 / single tick­et: CHF 25.00.
Order here or 071 788 18 60.

Young Ears

The an­nu­al mem­ber­ship for listen­ers under 30 years of age, in­clud­ing an an­nu­al pass to all ex­hib­i­tions of both mu­seums. Re­duced sub­scrip­tions and tick­ets are non-trans­fer­able.
12 con­certs: CHF 150.00 / single tick­et: CHF 15.00 / sub­scrip­tion for 3 mat­in­ees of the Série jeunes: CHF 20.00 / single tick­et mat­in­ee: CHF 10.00. Order here or 071 788 18 60.

Flex Pass

Visit 3 or 6 con­certs of your choice dur­ing the an­nu­al pro­gramme. You can plan your vis­its spon­tan­eously – the num­ber of en­trances will be de­duc­ted at the re­cep­tion desk. Seats are al­loc­ated ac­cord­ing to avail­ab­il­ity.
3-con­cert Flex Pass CHF 95.00 / under 30: CHF 40.00 / 6-con­cert Flex Pass CHF 190.00 / under 30: CHF 80.00. Order here or on 071 788 18 60.

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