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opening hours

Mon 20 January 2025 / closed

Wednesday – Friday / 2 p.m.  – 5 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday / 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Every first Thursday of the month
free admission / 6 – 8 p.m.

Closed for renovation until 6 March 2025.
Open every Wednesday 13.00 - 18.00.

Every first Thursday of the month the art bar TODAY TANKREVISION is open at the Kunstmuseum / 8 – approx. 10 p.m.

Closed on 24 / 25 and 31 December.


By public transport

Ap­pen­zell can be reached by the Ap­pen­zell Rail­ways from Gossau and St. Gal­len every hour or half hour. The Kun­st­mu­seum Ap­pen­zell is loc­ated in the dir­ect neigh­bour­hood of the train sta­tion, the Kun­sthalle Ap­pen­zell can be reached in ap­prox. 5 minutes walk­ing dis­tance.

By car

Easy to reach by car via the A1 high­way exit Gossau (com­ing from the west), or exit St.Gal­len (com­ing from the north) in the dir­ec­tion of Ap­pen­zell. There are only few park­ing spaces. We kindly ask you to use the pub­lic park­ing areas in the vil­lage if there is a short­age of park­ing space.

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Barrier-free Access

All exhibition galleries of Kunstmuseum Appenzell are fully wheelchair accessible. At the Kunsthalle Appenzell, you will need staff assistance when accessing the exhibition rooms. Our staff will be pleased to help you (phone +41 71 788 18 60). Regrettably, only the top exhibition room is not accessible barrier-free.

Unsolicited material

Kun­st­mu­seum / Kun­sthalle Ap­pen­zell re­serves the right not to an­swer or re­turn any un­so­li­cited ma­ter­i­als, such as ex­hib­i­tion pro­pos­als or doc­u­ment­a­tion pack­ages in­clud­ing books, cata­logues, texts, visu­als, elec­tron­ic data etc.

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