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Kunstmuseum Appenzell / Photo: Roman März

Kunstmuseum Appenzell / Photo: Roman März

Alice Channer, Heavy Metals / Silk Cut, 2023  / Photo: Roman März

Alice Channer, Heavy Metals / Silk Cut, 2023  / Photo: Roman März

Kunsthalle Appenzell / Photo: Börries Hessler

Kunsthalle Appenzell / Photo: Börries Hessler

Francisco Sierra, Corniche, 2023 / Photo: Sebastian Verdon

Francisco Sierra, Corniche, 2023 / Photo: Sebastian Verdon

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Booking / Your Personal Event

Do you wish to in­vite your em­ploy­ees, cli­ents or guests to an unique event in an ex­cep­tion­al set­ting? Are you or­gan­ising a meet­ing or a con­fer­ence? Are you plan­ning a private cel­eb­ra­tion with fam­ily or friends? If so, the Kun­sthalle is just the right place for you! We will tail­or your event to your needs. Give your event that spe­cial touch.

Wheth­er it's a film screen­ing, sem­in­ar, sym­posi­um, book launch, wed­ding re­cep­tion, ex­clus­ive din­ner or aper­itif. The Kun­sthalle Ap­pen­zell of­fers ex­cel­lent pos­sib­il­it­ies for the suc­cess­ful real­isa­tion of your event.

Ar­range your view­ing ap­point­ment:
Re­gina Brül­isauer
071 788 18 60

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