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Kooperation Fondazione Arp

Since 2000 Fondazione Mar­guer­ite Arp and Hein­rich Ge­bert Kul­turstif­tung Ap­pen­zell have been co­oper­at­ing closely. Their main goals are the pre­ser­va­tion of the Fondazione Mar­guer­ite Arp in its present form, the reg­u­lar present­a­tion of Hans Arp's works in Ap­pen­zell and the con­cep­tion of joint ex­hib­i­tions. This al­li­ance of found­a­tions, which was ini­ti­ated by Hein­rich Ge­bert, has also made pos­sible the con­struc­tion of the new de­pos­it­ory and ex­hib­i­tion build­ing in Lo­c­arno by firm Gigon/Guyer, Zürich.


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