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Möglichkeit Architektur

5 May – 6 October 2024 / Kunsthalle

The participatory project Möglichkeit Architektur focuses on the Ziegelhütte, today's Kunsthalle Appenzell, as a building, cultural centre and social space.

Kunsthalle AppenzellPhoto: Stefan Rohner

Kunsthalle Appenzell
Photo: Stefan Rohner

Kunsthalle AppenzellPhoto: Börries Hessler

Kunsthalle Appenzell
Photo: Börries Hessler

Kunsthalle AppenzellPhoto: Börries Hessler

Kunsthalle Appenzell
Photo: Börries Hessler

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Möglichkeit Architektur (Opportunity Architecture) explores the Ziegelhütte, today's Kunsthalle Appenzell, as a building, cultural centre and social space. The project is being developed together with the architects Christoph Flury and Lukas Furrer, the art mediator Anna Beck-Wörner, the cultural journalist Monica Dörig, the dance me until the end kollektiv and the researcher and cultural worker Ulrich Vogt. It is creating a participatory platform that opens up the discussion on how spaces with a public character are designed. With the involvement of the public, the project aims to create a socially inclusive debate on cultural space that is co-designed by the many and for which they share responsibility. The project moves between exhibition, mediation programme and architectural pre-project.

The open­ing on 4 May marks the kick-off of the pro­ject and of­fers an ini­tial in­sight into the his­tory of the Ziegel­hütte in Ap­pen­zell. Doc­u­ments, his­tor­ic­al pho­to­graphs and stor­ies will serve as a start­ing point. How­ever, the ex­hib­i­tion and the ac­com­pa­ny­ing events will be shaped by the in­ter­ac­tion of the par­ti­cipants over the dur­a­tion of the pro­ject until Oc­to­ber. Every­one can par­ti­cip­ate in ex­plor­ing and test­ing the spaces, wheth­er cre­at­ively or through re­search, move­ment or dis­cus­sion.

We are look­ing for people of all ages who are in­ter­ested in the stor­ies, the space and loc­a­tion, the build­ing cul­ture, the mu­seum or other as­pects of the Kun­sthalle Ap­pen­zell. To­geth­er with the par­ti­cipants, groups will be formed that en­gage with the topic and par­ti­cip­ate in dif­fer­ent ways. As a res­ult, a com­mon sphere of ac­tion is formed in which pro­cesses can be de­veloped cre­at­ively and dy­nam­ic­ally.

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