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Francisco Sierra / Photo: Sebastien Verdon

Francisco Sierra / Photo: Sebastien Verdon

Francisco Sierra / Photo: Sebastien Verdon

Francisco Sierra / Photo: Sebastien Verdon

Francisco Sierra / Photo: Sebastien Verdon

Francisco Sierra / Photo: Sebastien Verdon

Francisco Sierra / Photo: Sebastien Verdon

Francisco Sierra / Photo: Sebastien Verdon

Francisco Sierra / Photo: Sebastien Verdon

Francisco Sierra / Photo: Sebastien Verdon

Francisco Sierra / Photo: Sebastien Verdon

Francisco Sierra / Photo: Sebastien Verdon

Francisco Sierra / Photo: Sebastien Verdon

Francisco Sierra / Photo: Sebastien Verdon

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Francisco Sierra


19 March – 11 June 2023 / Kunsthalle

Francisco Sierras künstlerisches Medium ist die Malerei, daneben schafft er Zeichnungen, Objekte und Skulpturen. Sein Werk zeichnet sich durch eine grosse Eigenständigkeit und handwerkliche Virtuosität aus, aber auch durch Poesie, Witz und Hintersinn. Er stellt die figurative Malerei auf die Probe, indem er die Realität des Gegenständlichen unterläuft, sei es mit Humor, surrealen oder grotesken Untersuchungen oder dem transformativen Potenzial der Malerei selbst.

Fran­cisco Si­erra's (*1977, San­ti­ago de Chile, CHL, lives and works in Cot­terd, CH) artist­ic me­di­um is paint­ing, but he also cre­ates draw­ings, ob­jects and sculp­tures. His work is char­ac­ter­ised by great in­de­pend­ence and vir­tu­os­ity of crafts­man­ship, but also by po­etry, wit and sub­tlety. He puts fig­ur­at­ive paint­ing to the test by sub­vert­ing the real­ity of the rep­res­ent­a­tion­al, wheth­er with hu­mour, sur­real or grot­esque in­vest­ig­a­tions, or the trans­form­at­ive po­ten­tial of paint­ing it­self.

The ex­hib­i­tion brings to­geth­er new and ex­ist­ing works, in­clud­ing paint­ings, draw­ings, sculp­tures and a group of plastic works cre­ated es­pe­cially for this present­a­tion. With his works, the artist re­peatedly em­barks on a tightrope walk between hyper-real­ist­ic and fant­ast­ic pictori­al worlds, dis­solv­ing the bound­ary between art and dec­or­a­tion. His mo­tifs range from still lifes con­sist­ing of crock­ery, food or mu­sic­al in­stru­ments to an­im­al por­traits or erot­ic ab­surdit­ies. He often paints from mod­els partly made by him­self or by his chil­dren and lends banal sub­jects an aur­at­ic pres­ence through the tech­nic­ally mas­terly ex­e­cu­tion and the choice of large-format canvases. In his latest paint­ings, Si­erra cre­ates a trick­ing de­cep­tion man­oeuvre between image and real­ity with a multi-stage re­pro­duc­tion pro­cess. He play­fully echoes the image flood of the present, con­fuses with per­plex­ing pictori­al solu­tions, de­ceives the eye and plays with re­flec­tions, col­our and form. While the ex­hib­i­tion be­gins with large-format canvases and sculp­tures, the works be­come smal­ler and smal­ler in the se­quence of rooms.


Fran­cisco Si­erra (b. 1977, San­ti­ago de Chile) emig­rated to Switzer­land in 1986. He spent his youth in Her­isau and cur­rently lives and works in the vil­lage of Cot­terd in the Can­ton of Vaud. Si­erra is a trained vi­ol­in­ist and self-taught visu­al artist. He is also a mem­ber of the per­form­ance col­lect­ive Jet­pack Belle­rive and, since 2018, an artist­ic as­so­ci­ate at the ETH Zürich.

Si­erra has had solo ex­hib­i­tions at Galer­ie von Bartha (2021), Kun­st­mu­seum St. Gal­len (2013), Kun­st­mu­seum So­lo­thurn (2013/14), Aar­gauer Kun­sthaus, Kun­sthaus Lan­genth­al, Wil­helm-Hack-Mu­seum Lud­wig­shafen am Rhein (all 2009). Group ex­hib­i­tions at the Baku Bi­en­nale in Azerbaijan, SALTS Birsfelden, Last Tango Zurich, Kun­st­mu­seum Bern, Kun­sthaus Centre d'art Pasquart and MCBA Lausanne, among oth­ers. He has been awar­ded nu­mer­ous prizes for his work, in­clud­ing the Kiefer-Hablitzel Prize, the Swiss Art Award, the Manor Art Prize St. Gal­len and the stu­dio schol­ar­ship of the Land­is&Gyr Found­a­tion. In 2011, he was a schol­ar­ship hold­er at the Zen­trum Paul Klee Sum­mer Academy cur­ated by Pi­pi­lotti Rist. The artist's works are in nu­mer­ous col­lec­tions, in­clud­ing the Aar­gauer Kun­sthaus, Aarau; Kun­st­mu­seum Bern; Kun­sthaus Centre d'art Pasquart, Biel; Mu­seum im Bell­park, Kri­ens; Wil­helm Hack Mu­seum, Lud­wig­shafen am Rhein (D); Kun­st­mu­seum St. Gal­len or the Kun­st­mu­seum So­lo­thurn.

Cur­at­or: Stefanie Gschwend, Dir­ect­or Kun­st­mu­seum / Kun­sthalle Ap­pen­zell

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